Secure Technology Hawaii has been a value added reseller for many years. Product manufacturers regularly seek us out to represent them in Hawaii because we make sure that our engineering team is certified and has real experience on how to integrate and provision these products. We also try to actually use the products we sell, how novel is that? For many of these products, STHI has been the primary VAR in Hawaii for several years. Our product focuses are aligned with customer needs for security, storage, networking, and backup/disaster recovery.
SecuritySecure Technology Hawaii offers best of breed security products to our customers. In most cases, we have several years of experience in the specification, design, deployment and support of each. Many of these products are also used as part of our managed security services as well. Let STHI's certified security experts help you today !
StorageIt seemed like only a few years ago when disk drive options were few and the cost was really high. Fast forward to today and there are many types of storage and performance. Do you really know the best time to use SAS vs Flash vs SATA? Read optimized or write optimized? L2, ZlL, NV RAM? Let STHI help you get the most out of your storage.
NetworkingAlmost anything can be networked today and this proliferation of devices and increases in bandwidth and performance requirements has pushed the limits of most company networks. Latency problems? Burst traffic killing you? VOIP phones should horrible? Video choppy? Ready for 100GB ? We are.
Backup / DREveryone knows that you need to make backups of your important systems and data, but did you know that you really need to think about recovery needs first? Do you have a business continuity plan? How long can your network be down before it really starts costing you money. STHI works with our customers to answer these questions and deploy problems to address their needs.